The directef graph file ( content:
The following file is taken from
which has the implementation of a priority queue with updatable priorities.
#!/usr/bin/python from collections import namedtuple import Queue import priority_dict Edge = namedtuple("Edge", ['fromm','to', 'weight','color']) """ directed graph class""" class dgraph: def __init__(self): # empty underlying dictionary self.g = {} """ adds an edge from fromN to toN. if fromN or toN doesn't exist then they are created """ def addEdge(self,fromN,toN,w=0,color='white'): #check if fromN Node is not available if not self.g.has_key(fromN): self.g[fromN]=[] #check if toN Node is not available if not self.g.has_key(toN): self.g[toN]=[] self.g[fromN].append(Edge(fromN,toN,w,color)) """ adds a new node to the graph if it is not already there""" def addNode(self, N): if not self.g.has_key(N): self.g[N]=[] """ returns the list of edges from node N""" def edgesOf(self, N): if self.g.has_key(N): edges=[] for edge in self.g[N]: edges.append( return edges return None """ dyes edge from node fromN to node toN with the given color""" def setEdgeColor(self,fromN,toN,color): for edge in (self.g[fromN]): if == toN: self.g[fromN].remove(edge) self.g[fromN].append(Edge(fromN,toN,edge.weight,color)) """ gets teh color of the edge from fromN node to toN node""" def edgeColor(self,fromN,toN): for edge in self.g[fromN]: if == toN: return edge.color """ returns nodes of the graph as a list""" def nodes(self): return self.g.keys() """ returns number of nodes in te graph""" def numOfNodes(self): return len(self.g.keys()) """ returns number of edges in the graph""" def numOfEdges(self): num=0 for key in self.g.keys(): num = num + len(self.g[key]) return num """ returns number of edges node N have """ def numOfEdgesNode(self,N): return len(self.g[N]) """ returns True if there is an edge from sourceN node to toN node False otherwise""" def hasEdge(self,fromN, toN): for edge in self.g[fromN]: if == toN: return True return False """ returns the weight from fromN node to toN node, None if there is no edge between them""" def weight(self,fromN,toN): for edge in self.g[fromN]: if == toN: return edge.weight return None def readFileContent(self,file_name): file_location = file_name.strip() input_data_file = open(file_location, 'r') input_data = ''.join(input_data_file.readlines()) input_data_file.close() return input_data """ implements dijkstra's shortest path algorithm """ def shortestPathDijkstra(self,fromN,toN=None): dist ={} #define distance dictionary prev ={} #define previous node dictionary S =[] #list of shortest path Q = priority_dict.priority_dict() #initialize distances and predecessors for node in self.g.keys(): if node != fromN : dist[node]=float('inf') else: dist[node] =0 prev[node]=None Q.setdefault(node,dist[node]) while not Q.empty(): u = Q.pop_smallest() if u == toN: break if dist[u] == float('inf'): break #traverse each neighbour of u for edge in self.g[u]: alt = dist[u] + self.weight(u, if alt < dist[]: dist[] = alt prev[] = u Q.update([(,alt)]) while prev[toN] != None: S.append(toN) toN = prev[toN] S.append(toN) return S if __name__ == '__main__': x = dgraph() x.addEdge('1','2',w=6) x.addEdge('1','3',w=2) x.addEdge('1','4',w=16) x.addEdge('2','4',w=5) x.addEdge('2','5',w=4) x.addEdge('3','2',w=7) x.addEdge('3','5',w=3) x.addEdge('3','6',w=8) x.addEdge('4','7',w=3) x.addEdge('5','4',w=4) x.addEdge('5','7',w=10) x.addEdge('6','7',w=1) """x.addNode('Yalova') x.addEdge('Adana','Yalova',weight=300) x.addEdge('Yalova','Istanbul',weight=200,color='blue') #x.addEdge('Yalova','Adana',600) print x.edgesOf('Yalova') print x.edgesOf('Adana') print x.edgeColor('Yalova','Istanbul') x.setEdgeColor('Adana','Istanbul','red') print x.edgeColor('Adana','Istanbul') print x.numOfNodes(),x.nodes(),x.numOfEdges(),x.numOfEdgesNode('Yalova') print x.hasEdge('Adana','Istanbul') print x.hasEdge('Adana','Adana')""" print x.shortestPathDijkstra('1','7')
The following file is taken from
which has the implementation of a priority queue with updatable priorities.
from heapq import heapify, heappush, heappop class priority_dict(dict): """Dictionary that can be used as a priority queue. Keys of the dictionary are items to be put into the queue, and values are their respective priorities. All dictionary methods work as expected. The advantage over a standard heapq-based priority queue is that priorities of items can be efficiently updated (amortized O(1)) using code as 'thedict[item] = new_priority.' The 'smallest' method can be used to return the object with lowest priority, and 'pop_smallest' also removes it. The 'sorted_iter' method provides a destructive sorted iterator. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(priority_dict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._rebuild_heap() def _rebuild_heap(self): self._heap = [(v, k) for k, v in self.iteritems()] heapify(self._heap) def smallest(self): """Return the item with the lowest priority. Raises IndexError if the object is empty. """ heap = self._heap v, k = heap[0] while k not in self or self[k] != v: heappop(heap) v, k = heap[0] return k def pop_smallest(self): """Return the item with the lowest priority and remove it. Raises IndexError if the object is empty. """ heap = self._heap v, k = heappop(heap) while k not in self or self[k] != v: v, k = heappop(heap) del self[k] return k def __setitem__(self, key, val): # We are not going to remove the previous value from the heap, # since this would have a cost O(n). super(priority_dict, self).__setitem__(key, val) if len(self._heap) < 2 * len(self): heappush(self._heap, (val, key)) else: # When the heap grows larger than 2 * len(self), we rebuild it # from scratch to avoid wasting too much memory. self._rebuild_heap() def setdefault(self, key, val): if key not in self: self[key] = val return val return self[key] def update(self, *args, **kwargs): # Reimplementing dict.update is tricky -- see e.g. # # We just rebuild the heap from scratch after passing to super. super(priority_dict, self).update(*args, **kwargs) self._rebuild_heap() def sorted_iter(self): """Sorted iterator of the priority dictionary items. Beware: this will destroy elements as they are returned. """ while self: yield self.pop_smallest() def empty(self): return (len(self._heap) == 0)
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